University of South Africa UNISA Matric Upgrade

By | September 15, 2021

University of South Africa UNISA Matric Upgrade


If you are reading this you probably want a better matric so that you can gain entry to UNISA. A UNISA Matric upgrade is not a straightforward thing, but you do have options.

There are many paths to studying at University and this article will explore a few.

Can I do a matric upgrade at UNISA?

No, you can’t do your matric at UNISA.  However, there are many ways that you can gain entry to UNISA.

You can either upgrade your matric, if you wrote your senior certificate prior to 2008, or you can go back to study the year again to gain better marks.  You also need to check what subjects your chosen qualification requires to see if you are studying the right subjects.

However, having a good matric is not the only way to get into UNISA.

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Taal-Net Training Institute

This institution allows you to upgrade your Matric scores. To join the institution, you should have your Matric certificate, the registration, exam, and deposit fees. A registration fee is required before being accepted. The deposit and exam fees vary depending on the number of subjects you wish to re-do.

Damelin Correspondence College

The Damelin bridging courses allow you to upgrade your scores conveniently. You do not have to re-do your Continuous Assessment and Matriculation Examination (CASS) because your CASS scores are still valid if you matriculated within the previous two years. Joining this institution requires you to have the official statement of Grade 12 results. The officials from this college will assist you with the rest of the process.

UNISA Matric bridging courses

Can I do a bridging course at UNISA? Yes, you can. Can I upgrade my Matric results at UNISA? Yes, you can enrol for the UNISA Matric upgrade. You may choose to use lower level qualifications as UNISA bridging courses. To do this, carefully review the diploma and certificate programmes that are closely related to your dream university programme. Typically, the requirements for certificates and diplomas are lower than those of undergraduate courses, so you can always secure a place to study the degree if you complete the certificate or diploma first.

There are different bridging courses at UNISA, including a UNISA bridging course for teaching for you to choose from. You should do some research before deciding the bridging programme to undertake.

Stellenbosch University

Through the SciMathUS programme, Stellenbosch University allows learners with a Matric score of at least 60% to upgrade specific subjects. The university enables upgrades in physical sciences and mathematics, and the programme is for those who wish to study science-based courses.

Matric bridging courses that will help you upgrade your marks

Source: UGC

Other South African universities that offer bridging courses are:

1. Tshwane University of Technology

TUT offers the environmental management inspectors bridging course for environmental health practitioners. This is one of the TUT short courses that allow Environmental Health Practitioners to gain positions as Environmental Management Inspectors.

2. Cape Peninsula University of Technology

3. University of Limpopo

4. Durban University of Technology

5. Rhodes University

6. North-West University

7. University of KwaZulu- Natal

8. University of Witwatersrand

9. University of Johannesburg

10. University of Pretoria

Failing to attain high scores in your Matric examinations does not spell doom for your future. You have a chance to redeem yourself by enrolling for Matric bridging courses that are offered by various colleges and universities in South Africa. You select the subjects that you wish to re-sit to upgrade your score. Once you finish the bridging programmes, you have the chance to further your education at your preferred university or college.