Central University of Technology CUT Hospitality Management

Central University of Technology CUT Hospitality Management

The Hotel School is at the forefront of hospitality training and offers a three year National Diploma and B Tech degree.

The Hotel School students are highly recommended for employment, i.e. banqueting managers, hoteliers, guesthouse managers, restaurant managers, chefs, waiters, bar tenders, event managers, front office, etc.

Hospitality Management

Head of Department

Ms Dalene Crowther (Acting)

Tel.: 051 507 3234 | Fax: 051 507 3293| E-mail: dcrowthe@cut.ac.za



Postgraduate studies: Management Sciences

Restaurants on CUT Campus

CUT has two superb in-house training restaurants on Bloemfontein Campus. These restaurants are management by the department: One on Park | Lettuce Eat

Contact us

Secretary:  Ms L Posthumus

Tel: +27(0)51 5073235 | Fax: +27(0)51 507 3293| E-mail: lposthumus@cut.ac.za


Updated: 27 February 2018