Accommodation at TUT

By | November 9, 2019

Accommodation at TUT or any university is a major part of your university life. Where to stay can to a large extent determine how peaceful your learning is going to be.

Now that you have gained admission, congratulations and a very warm welcome to TUT.

TUT has places of abode to nearly a population of 12000 learners.

There are also private residences to nearly another 2000 who might prefer that.

This page will keep you informed on what you need to know about:

  • Which is available and how to acquire it. How the selection and admission stages all go hand in hand and how you can get yourself registered.
  • If you are going to be with TUT, which kinds of residences are available to you?
  • You are at a university! What are some of the other activities available to you in your place of abode?
  • What are the support services for you academically?
  • You need to know if a residence you are acquiring is accredited.
  • And then the contacts of the various accommodation counselors of the many other TUT study centers
​Accommodation at TUT
The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is home to the biggest accommodation for students in South Africa. Chances are that you are going to come into contact with other learners from all over the world here. You will definitely experience different cultures, you will meet people with various intellectual abilities. In the field of sports, you will meet such a wide spectrum of people.

Be ready to learn new but very exciting things that will help you with your individual developmental agenda. The accommodation at the University presents an environment for serious, conscientious, ingenious and enlightened freshmen.

Accommodation status is of very high quality as this is the priority of the University. Though very basic yet affordable, we don’t compromise on quality. There are also unique technologies for those who will need them.

There is a counselor for each place of abode and a committee ready to welcome freshmen, and ready to provide all the needed assistance that will be needed.