University of Fort Hare Courses and Modules in Zoology
List of courses and modules in ZOOLOGY
ZOO 111: General Introduction to Animal Biology
Contents: Cell Biology; Genetics; Animal Metabolism
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 16
Assessment: 3 theory tests, 1 practical test, practical marks,
1 theory examination paper (3h)
ZOO 121: Introduction to Animal Diversity
Contents: Systematics and Biology of Invertebrates and Chordates
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 16
Assessment: 3 theory tests, 1 practical test, practical marks
1 theory examination paper (3h)
ZOO 212: Fundamental Concepts in Animal Biology I
Contents: Introductory Ecology; Fundamentals of Evolutionary Biology;
Conservation Biology; Animal Behaviour
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 24
Assessment: tests, practicals, assigments, essays
1 theory examination paper (3h)
ZOO 222: Fundamental Concepts in Animal Biology II
Contents: Ichthyology; Freshwater Ecology; Mammalogy;
Marine Biology and Ecology
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 24
Assessment: tests, practicals, assigments, essays
1 theory examination paper (3h)
ZOO 314: Animal Diversity and Conservation I
Contents: Systematics, Biogegraphy and Evolution
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 16
Assessment: tests, practicals, assigments, essays
1 theory examination paper (2 h)
ZOO 315: Animal Diversity and Conservation I
Contents: Biodiversity and Conservation; Primatology
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 16
Assessment: tests, practicals, assigments, essays
1 theory examination paper (2 h)
ZOO 324: Animal Ecology and Conservation I
Contents: Ecological Modelling; Behavioural Ecology
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 16
Assessment: tests, practicals, assigments, essays
1 theory examination paper (2 h)
ZOO 325: Animal Ecology and Conservation II
Contents: Aquaculture; Research Techniques in Animal Ecology
Instruction: 4 lectures (3 h) and 1 practical (3 h) per week
Credits: 16
Assessment: tests, practicals, assigments, essays
1 theory examination paper (2 h)
ZOO 501: Honours research Project
Contents: Individual research project
Instruction: self-study under supervision of a research leader
Credits: 40
Assessment: mini-dissertation
ZOO 502: Major seminar
Contents: Preparation and presentation of scientific presentations
Instruction: self-study under supervision of a research leader
Credits: 16
Assessment: PowerPoint-assisted presentations to staff, students
and external examiners
ZOO 503: Field research methodology
Contents: Two field trips (of 5 days each) to nearby nature reserves
Instruction: self-study, including practical work, under supervision of
several staff members
Credits: 16
Assessment: Field reports and seminar reports relating to field
research methodology
ZOO 504: Scientific analysis and interpretation
Contents: WORD, EXCEL, statistics and data interpretation
Instruction: lectures, seminars and workshops led by academic staff
Credits: 16
Assessment: participation in discussions, practical reports, tests
ZOO 511: Evolution, systematics and conservation biology
Contents: current trends in evolution, systematics and conservation
Instruction: seminars, lectures and discussion groups led by study
Credits: 16
Assessment: participation in discussions, practical reports, tests
1 open-book examination in June (8 h)
ZOO 521: Aquatic and terrestrial ecology
Contents: current trends in aquatic and terrestrial ecology
Instruction: seminars, lectures and discussion groups led by study leaders
Credits: 16
Assessment: participation in discussions, seminar reports, essays
1 open-book examination in November (8 h)
Credits: 256
Credits: 360