Monash South Africa Email Address

Monash South Africa Email Address

General inquiries

Monash South Africa Email Address, For general enquires contact the following numbers and mails:

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +27 11 950 4000

Future students

Email:[email protected]
Call centre: +27 11 950 4009

Postal address

Private Bag X60
Roodepoort 1725
South Africa

Street address

144 Peter Road
South Africa

Media inquiries

Media Office
[email protected]

Alumni inquiries

Alumni Relations office
Telephone: +27 11 950 4009
Email: [email protected]

Campus protection services

Telephone: +27 11 950 4099

Residential services

Telephone: +27 11 950 4212
Email: [email protected]

Community engagement

Telephone: +27 11 950 4009 / 4310
Email: [email protected]

Emergency contacts only

Dial extension 333 from any Monash South Africa phone. In an emergency, from all other phones call: +27 11 950 4333 or the South African Police Service on 10111 / +27 11 795 1960.