Lilitha College of Nursing Tuition Fees

By | September 16, 2021

Lilitha College of Nursing Tuition Fees

Before registering as a student you need to determine whether or not you will have sufficient funds to finance your studies. Costs involved in Higher Education include Registration and Tuition fees, Books, Travel, Accommodation, Meals and general living expenses.

ECDoH offers financial assistance to full-time students in the form of a bursary on an annual basis. Bursaries will be automatically allocated to the predetermined percentage of selected candidates based on their registration with Lilitha College of Nursing (LCoN). Conditions and terms of the Bursary Contract apply. Students who have passed all their subject/modules and progress to the next level of study will retain the bursary allocation. ECDoH/College reserves the right to reverse the Bursary allocation if:

    • Learners have not complied to the minimum requirements as per the specified programme;
    • Learners have not complied to college rules and regulations.