Does UKZN Offer Radiography ?

By | September 19, 2021

Does UKZN Offer Radiography ?

In diagnostics, students learn to integrate knowledge obtained in the basic sciences, preclinical and clinical components so that they can practice holistically within the private and public sectors. Student learning occurs by various didactic methods such as groupwork, seminars, research projects, and clinical case presentations. All work done in this module contributes to the development of a comprehensive student portfolio. Marks obtained for each activity contributes to the final examination mark. Final assessment is done by an oral examination and discussion of the student portfolio with internal and external examiners.

The Radiology component – The first module covers Radiophysics, manual processing of films and intra oral techniques in the preclinical laboratory. The second module covers both intra and extra oral techniques in the preclinical laboratory as well as in the clinical setting. Clinical experience is obtained through conventional as well as digital radiography. Clinical training is done at the Oral and Dental Training Centre.