When you arrive at university it is generally very hard to know what subjects you will like and/or do well in. For this reason we strongly recommend that you do not decide on your majors at the outset. Rather, structure your first year in a way that keeps your options open by taking a range of subjects, each of which is a potential major. Then, at the end of your first year, you can decide which subjects you would like to continue with, and which you would like to drop.
But if you decide that Media and Cultural Studies is the way to go, you need to know the following:
The MECS major consists of 8 modules (128 credit points).
Two modules are taken in first year, two in second year, and four in third year.
Five of the eight modules are compulsory, and the remaining three are electives which can be selected from a prescribed pool of subjects.
You will also be required to major in one other subject (also consisting of 8 modules); some useful co-majors include Marketing, English, French, Fine Art, Digital Art, Political Science, Drama and Psychology.